Disk Usage Warning full OR Disk Usage Warning critical

  • April 24, 2011
We keep receiving these running out of disk space messages... Is there anything that we need to do? How do we get rid of these messages?

Usually clearing email mailboxes and eliminating temporary files and old log files will eliminate the problem. Sometimes the server may contain two full websites, an old design and the current design; delete any of the old, unused files.

User access levels and expertise may vary, please remove all of the unnecessary files to your ability, including checking and clearing all email accounts. If you receive the message again the next day then please log a service ticket and we will research the problem for you and suggest a solution.

In some cases a server upgrade may be required.

-----Example Messages-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Day, Month Date, Year Time
To: you
Subject: Disk Usage Warning full

The account with the username 'your-username' (yourwebsite.com), is running out of disk space.

Please remove some files from this account, or ask the administrator to increase your disk quota.

This account has used 98+.xx% (xx.xx Megs) of its allocated disk space.


Subject: Disk Usage Warning critical

The account with the username 'your-username' (yourwebsite.com), is running out of disk space.

Please remove some files from this account, or ask the administrator to increase your disk quota.

This account has used 90+.xx% (xxx.xx/xxx.xx Megs) of their disk space.

!! Do not respond to this message. Your reply will go nowhere. !!

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