Example Wording for Email to AOL Users

  • April 7, 2018

Instructions and notes on use:

  • Replace all of the text in << >> with your information.
  • Create a separate email per AOL user and be sure to include their individual email address on the "We have your email address as:" line.
  • Note that 99% of users will ignore the "If you prefer to be removed, please let us know and we will take you off the list" and will report your email as SPAM anyway, it will amaze you to see how many contacts who have specifically asked you to email them will now report your emails as SPAM.
  • The purpose of these emails is to be sure that the AOL user's email address is in the SPAM report that we will receive from AOL when they report as SPAM.

Here's an example that you can use:

Hello again from <<your company name>>-

In an effort to reduce SPAM, we want to make sure you still would like to receive emails from us regarding <<your company name, description of emails that you send to your list>>.

We have your email as: <<AOL user's address>>@aol.com

If you prefer to be removed, please let us know and we will take you off the list. Otherwise, we will be happy to keep you informed of all the great happenings <<at your company name or in your area>>.

Thank you for your time! <<your name, company name, address and phone number>>

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